3/15/10 First Day Jitters!

Starting a new job is simply a flashback feeling of the past. Remember, as a kid, when you'd start getting nervous as the summer ended? Right before school started up again? You'd plan out every detail, almost too rehearsed at times. You'd chose your perfect & powerful outfit days in advance, often changing your mind. Then the day comes, and you come to the crazy yet logical revelation. You were the only one thinking about yourself under such a specific & detailed microscope.

Today's photo was found directly on my laptop (The little camera up top), as I stared at FACE IT on the web. Trippy, right?


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About The Blog :-)

We use typography & emoticons in our everyday online convos to express how we feel. It's the new way to communicate. But what happens when one graphic designer decides to mix this digital common way with everyday life? This blog, of course. Daily, I will be finding an emoticon in my everyday surroundings that best describes the mood I'm in at the time and share it all with you.

About Laz :-P

Laz began his career as a Graphic Designer, studying at The School of Visual Arts in New York City. At the School of Visual Arts, Laz majored in Graphic Design and Fine Arts. Currently, Laz is a forward thinking art director residing in NYC. Laz has worked in Entertainment Advertising, Multicultural Advertising, Publications and Interactive Design and continues onward.