3/18/10 Hmm. Who Shall I Download Next?

Still being at SXSW means that I'm coming across several new bands. Part of discovering these new bands is figuring out who makes the cut on my daily iTunes playlist. Right now? The "Bob Hill Band" is rocking my world. It's a new band to me, with a very 90's sensibility (which I love). Check em out!

Today's photo is found courtesy of a drawer in a dark hotel room. Oh, how I hate the dark.

3/17/10 Some venues smell like puke...

Having been freshly minted in the Austin scene for SXSW, I have to say... Some people need to be a little more conscious of their drinking intake. If you can't have another, DON'T! Otherwise, you puke everywhere and the venues don't smell very nice... Jeez...

Today's photo was found on my jacket pocket, which I hope does not smell like puke.

3/16/10 Whazzah? :-/

Although I can barely believe it, I am on my way to SXSW in Austin. I can't wait to see the new bands and experience some fantastically new things. Oh my!

Today's photo is courtesy of a vintage, wooden crate in my bedroom. A bit on the natural, un-believing side, huh?

3/15/10 First Day Jitters!

Starting a new job is simply a flashback feeling of the past. Remember, as a kid, when you'd start getting nervous as the summer ended? Right before school started up again? You'd plan out every detail, almost too rehearsed at times. You'd chose your perfect & powerful outfit days in advance, often changing your mind. Then the day comes, and you come to the crazy yet logical revelation. You were the only one thinking about yourself under such a specific & detailed microscope.

Today's photo was found directly on my laptop (The little camera up top), as I stared at FACE IT on the web. Trippy, right?

3/14/10 Another Crappy Day Calls for Pizza! Right?

So another crappy, rainy day (although not as bad as yesterday) called for some cheering up. And what better way than to order some yummy, incredibly bad for my figure Pizza! My pizza of choice? Domino's Large Pizza with Black Olives. Oh the things we do to ourselves!

Today's photo is courtesy of Dominos Pizza. I swear, I was not paid to plug them, it's just damn good.

3/13/10 NYC Hurricane= Cabin Fever! :(

So on this Saturday afternoon, instead of being outside and enjoying the day, I am relegated to being stuck inside. But not only minimally. I can barely go to the grocery store due to the terrible weather. Trees look like they might collapse, people are basically being flung around. It's not fun. So needless to say, I'm having a bad case of cabin fever. If I'd prepared better, I would have rented new movies to watch. The old ones are not doing it today. Boo!

Today's photo was found on a NYC Subway (The C Line to be exact). Sad little window molding. I feel your pain!

3/12/10 Last Day? :-O

After a few years of working with wonderful people and being in a realm that taught me a lot, I am leaving to pursue new opportunities. It's never easy saying goodbye, and it's especially never easy letting go of connections you've made with others. I am sad to say my "goodbye's", but I am also happy to take that next step in my personal evolution. Goodbye is only short term and I will say "hello" to my friends once again. Thank you all! You rock!

Today's photo was found on the Subway Train in Midtown, NYC. It certainly seemed surprised. Don't you think?

3/11/10 Ecstatic after this day! :)

Today has been somewhat of a whirlwind day for me. I'm a day away from leaving my current workplace and next week starting a new job. I'm extremely excited to start that next step in evolution and know it's going to be extremely amazing!

But the thing today that makes me happier than ever is the recognition that came from a recent project I started. A couple of weeks ago, while talking to a co-worker buddy of mine, I began discussing the excellence of the Horror Movie Genre and how it's evolved over the years. One unforgettable filmmaker in this genre is undeniably Alfred Hitchcock, who brought us many top notch films that stand the test of time. It's pretty tough to deny that moments from 'Psycho', 'Rear Window' and 'The Birds' are still anxiety inducing at best. Throughout this discussion, I spoke to the idea of doing a photography study on taking Horror Movie Posters from the 40's-80's and recreating them with a more contemporary styling. This brought me to the creation of "Hitchcock Re-Envisioned", A study in taking Hitchcock films and creating iconic posters based on such films as: 'The Birds', 'Rear Window', 'Vertigo' & 'Psycho'. You can see these posters at LazMarquez.com

Today, the initiative was recognized by a great blog and has garnered amazing response. I am so thankful to this response and look forward to creating more for all the supporters to see! So thank you all, you rock!!! Check out the blog in which the pieces were features at: The Daily What.

3/10/10 Moving Right Along. :-/

As the "final days" of this chapter of my life approach, I find myself itching for the inevitable change. Change can often be a scary & difficult transition, but for me, I welcome it with open arms. I look forward to a new energy and a new jumping point. One thing I am certain of, is that I adore & love what I do. This is why it's important for myself and anyone I can impart any wisdom upon need know that it's important to keep the love alive. There's no reason to let it go.

Today's photo was found within the 1 Train Subway Line in NYC. Look up and find the good. :)

3/9/10 Cold like Steel.

This week, I keep coming to the same conclusion. We, as human beings can be cold. We can dismiss each other. We can push one another away. We can turn our backs. All of these things are natural and usual. But for me, I feel less inclined to let this be a "It Happens" experience, and more a questionable action. There is little need for us to be so dismissive. Respect is a valuable asset and one that I know I will attempt to value and attend to more.

Today's photo is courtesy of a Food Cart in Midtown, NYC on 45th and 6th Avenue. Steely, eh?

3/8/10 Last Week. Going Bananas!

I kid you not, this week has already shaped up to be quite a doozy. It's my last week at my current job, as I've decided to take my next steps as an Art Director. I had a very different idea of how the last week would go and it's not that. I'm busy (which is not necessarily a bad thing) and sweating my creative chops off! It's bananas! (Get the joke? I know you all looked at the photo. Yes, I know, I'm incredibly witty... Stop! I'm blushing!) Okay, I'm done...

Today's photo was found in Midtown, NYC as I was walking with my co-worker Nicky crosstown. This banana box was way too perfect of a find. Enough to do an entire parenthesis joke that I thought was witty, but really wasn't. :)

3/7/10 Oscar Night. A Champagne Occasion.

Tonight has been a great night for me, as I love to indulge in the Oscar night festivities. I adore the craft of film and look forward to seeing those who excel in this craft being awarded for their accomplishments. It's a night of glamour and poise, without avail. But what amazes me is the sheer vastness of taste that comes with it. I have and will continue to live blog/tweet/update on the matter. Congrats to all that have picked up a golden statue this wonderful evening and in honor, I had a couple of glasses of champagne to celebrate!

Today's photo was found on the cork of a lovely bottle of champagne I opened for the Oscars. I have to say, it was quite unexpected to find, but VERY welcome!

3/6/10 Potty Mouth? :-0

Today was an interesting day. Through an osmosis of sorts, I was forced to have a day of solitude. I walked the city of New York intensely and found many of beautiful little secrets in terms of street art. It was an amazing experience to travel and search by my lonesome. To really indulge in the city's intricacies. I wouldn't trade this lovely weathered day for the world. Thank you, mother nature!

Today's photo was found in a Starbuck's restroom in NYC. Thanks hyper sensitive coffee restroom for this find!

3/5/10 Agggh! Deadlines!

Keeping it short, as I am still amongst some crazy deadlines.. This. Day. Is. CRAZY!

I do though, look forward to a nice NYC weekend with Temperatures in the 50's & Sunny. And tonight, I will experience Tim Burton's 'Alice in Wonderland' in IMAX 3D!!

Today's photo was found in front of a lovely home in North Bergen, NJ. This decorative garage slot was an awesome find this morning and kicked off a high energy day!

3/4/10 Huh?

This week, my final week at my current job is proving to be quite a doozy. Meetings like crazy and lots to do. But hey, I like the busy nature of things and remain happy that it makes the days go by quickly. But after a long day, I remain very much out of it!

Today's photo was found courtesy of a Cigarette disposal contraption outside of a commercial building on 45th street in Midtown, NYC. Confused much, little guy?

3/3/10 What?? Birds Attack!?

My new artistic endeavor I've decided to take on is attempting to take the every iconic Alfred Hitchcock films and recreating the film posters in a more contemporary style. This is definitely an undertaking in itself, but my first stab at it has seemingly been well received. I took the film, "The Birds" and looked at it from fresh eyes. I wanted to take this film and really capture it in a new style but maintain the sense of feeling. It's such an intense film with a lot of horror centric heart behind it and I felt it could easily translate graphically into a new vision.

The final product for the re-envisioning of "The Birds" can be found at: lazmarquez.com

Today's photo was found outside of my window, in my apartment in North Bergen, NJ. No bird watching was done this evening. Luckily?

3/2/10 Shockingly Happy! :-O

One thing that's been buzzing through my mind continuously for the past few days is how amazingly this year has been chugging along. I feel as though 2009 was a really difficult year for many people and that this year is shaping up to be much the opposite. People seem happier. Goals seem to be fulfilled. Jobs are being found.

Personally, I came into this year with an incredible drive. I knew that I wanted this year to count. I wanted to push my boundaries. I wanted to make a change. One examples is starting this blog. I knew that I had to start something that inspired me, and I needed to stick with it as a promise to myself. With all intents & purposes, it's happened and I couldn't be happier. It's been amazing to hear people tell me how it's inspired them to look at the world differently and find their own "FACE IT"'s.

It won't stop here, as I intend to continue on this track! Thank you to everyone who has been supportive and followed this journey!

Today's photo was found on my road from New Jersey to New York City on the NJ TRANSIT Bus. I'm having a transit inspiration week thus far. Chugging Along!

3/1/10 Rough Day In A Good Way.

There are some things in this life that lead us to our next steps in personal evolution. Circumstances that thrust us into a new phase of who we will eventually become. After making this decision to go forth and get closer to this goal, I find it sad to let go. But one thing I am certain of, is that it's ultimately necessary.

Today's photo was found courtesy of the fantastic nuts & bolts of a NJ Transit Bus. Moving Right Along!

2/28/10 2 Brunches. Double the Crazy!

So today seems to have been a very popular day for Brunches AND Birthdays. Two of my good friends planned things for their prospective birthdays. So in celebration, Happy Birthday to both Heidi & Michael! Love them dearly. But with two brunches, it's been an incredibly busy day with way too many mimosas. Oh my.. Regardless, it was amazing to spend good times with many good people.

Today's photo was found on the street near Essex House in the Lower East Side, NYC. Nice Buzzer!

2/27/10 Amazing Weekend. Wide Eyed.

So as I've been saying for quite some time this year, 2010 seems to be shaping up very nicely. It started off and continued to be an amazing weekend thus far.

Sorry to keep it short and sweet, but it's quite a busy weekend. Ooof!

Today's photo was found courtesy of a friendly Converse Sneaker in New York City. Wide eyed. eh?

2/26/10 Wow. I'm Not Dreaming?

I did what I was waiting to do for a few weeks today, and I feel as though I can finally rest without the interference of anxiety or anticipation. I'm feeling a lot, but the primary is happiness.

Wow. More information to come.

On another note, I highly recommend that everyone watch 'Shutter Island' ASAP. Great film making in this one, with a great cast. The visual storytelling was superb.

Today's photo was found on the West Side Highway thanks to some random door. Shockingly Awesome.

2/25/10 Happy Birthday Jimena. Here's some flowers!

It's been quite a crazy few weeks, so I apologize for the odd timing for the FACE IT posts. But I hope to be back on track after this week. In honor of a friend who's a huge fan of the blog, here's a FACE IT Emoticon found by her. It's her birthday, so have a great one Jimena!

Today's photo was found in our offices in Midtown, NYC. Odd Vase was an interesting find for an interesting lady. :)

2/24/10 Waiting= Painful.

For this post, I'll be simple and add a quote that sums up what I feel at this exact moment:

"Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act."
-Paulo Coelho

Today's photo was found on a doorknob in front of my gypsy van bus in front of the Port Authority in New York City. Thanks for the similar sentiment, apartment building knob! I look forward to some open doors.

2/23/10 Rough 2 Weeks = :-|

As of today, I've been working non-stop for about over two weeks. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but my mind tends to think otherwise. Brain failure is continuing this week. No matter how much caffeine I consume, I remain exhausted. I wish I could take a vacation, but this may no happen for a while.. Wah wah wah..

Today's photo was found on 46th in between 7th & 8th Avenue in Midtown, NYC. Thanks to this random architectural structure. :)

2/22/10 Tired Has Turned Into Goofy.

Okay, from what I could understand after some mighty long hours & creative flowing of juices, I am officially done with one phase of hard work as of today. So my bitching and complaining about working so hard and so much is over. I will say (and this may be because I'm too damn self aware) that I feel annoyed with myself for projecting such angst and complaint to the interwebs the past couple of weeks. I know that this is an outlet for self expression, but I'd hate to be one of those mopey and complaint ridden people who get lost in their everyday grind.

Once again, I'm happy to say that it seems like this phase is over and done with. I love the folks I work with for dealing with my moody and often zaney personality swings. Couldn't wish for a sillier group to hang with on such a tough weekend.

Today's photo was found courtesy of the vest I wore to work today, trying to pretend I was awake enough this morning to choose an outfit. Ha.

2/21/10 Locked up in my head!

After nearly 14+ Days of working straight without much of either my nights or weekends, I'm beginning to become a lot a bit out of it. I can barely focus my thoughts or creativity at this point and am seeking some outlets. I would write more, but my brain won't allow it. Goodnight, I'm going to head for some sheep counting right about now!

Today's photo was found courtesy of a photogenic lock in my work's building. Midtown, NYC. Seemed perfect.

2/20/10 Another Late Night @ Work= 8-|

It's been another long work day, and it hasn't even ended yet. I've gone through plenty of emotions today, including caffeine highs, crankiness, giddiness and my current delirium! As I attempted to find my FACE IT emoticon of the day, I realized I didn't have to look much further. I need sleep... And a break from Art Directing!

Today's photo was found courtesy of my work computer's monitor buttons. It's my best friend and my worst enemy all at once! How bittersweet!

2/19/10 I Am What I Eat. :-(

Thanks to Nicky Lorenzo, my Co-Worker, I was able to find this perfect emoticon in her half eaten salad. It was a late night at work and my brain is only thinking about the long hours I will be working this weekend. So just like this salad bowl, I too am a bit weepy.

Today's photo was found courtesy of Nicky Lorenzo's Half Eaten Salad in Midtown, NYC.

2/18/10 Sleep Deprived. :-/

It was about 3:00 am when I was awoken by the sound of the garbage truck. Usually, I sleep right through the sound, but last evening was different. I woke up in a fluster and proceeded to get a glass of water before heading back to dreamland. The problem? As I lay on my pillow, attempting to fall back into a deep sleep, I began thinking of some recent ideations. This lead me to branch out into other thoughts and the next thing I knew, I was wide awake. So this began the 3 hour journey for me to try and force myself to go to bed. I knew I'd be heading into work early for a presentation and that I'd be working late this evening. My mind didn't seem to care one bit. So I've been awake since 3:00 am, since that garbage truck ran over my slumber. Now? Delirium has set in a bit after multiple cups of coffee and working my brain out. But I still found the time to stick to this initiative and find my daily FACE IT. And oh how perfect It was to find it in such a relevant item. With that, I wish you all a goodnight. Hopefully this one will be uninterrupted!

Today's photo was found courtesy of my bed's pillow sham. Found exclusively at Target. :)

2/17/10 Uber Sleepy + Long Weekend Ahead.

Last weekend was quite a doozy, balancing both a long weekend of working and Valentines Day. This upcoming weekend solidifies a trend, as I will have to work another long weekend. For whatever reason, I have been unable to have a good night's rest. I've been having my usual vivid dreams (Where I remember every ridiculous detail to no avail). Last night's woke me up in a shock after dreaming about a bunch of my friends continuously sneaking into my bedroom's secret door, only to wake up my roomate. No matter how often in the dream I would try to quiet them down, they'd get louder and crazier, causing me a large amount of stress. So you could imagine how much I wish to have a dreamless night. Cheers to that, eh?

Today's photo was appropriately found in my apartment thanks to an electrical box. Let's spark some non-stressful dreams eh?

2/16/10 Feeling Goofy. Not like the Disney guy.

So I'm here in my apartment on this lovely, frozen day without cable to watch LOST. So what do I do? I get zany as a result of not having much to do. I spent half the evening trying to find a particular mood for tonight's FACE IT, but by the time I actually found one I was feeling an entirely different way. This lead to more shenanigans along Blvd East in my hometown of North Bergen, with no real result in sight. Then as I entered my building, thinking I may not find one, I did! I don't even know what this contraption by my building's elevator is, but it felt just right. My only complaint is that my iPhone takes terrible quality photos without sufficient light source. Boo! I need a new digital camera now.

Today's photo was found in my apartment building in North Bergen, NJ. Don't ask me what it is, but it seems goofy, eh?

2/15/10 Mmm. Klee= Delicious!

So in honor of the day off, I decided to splurge and treat myself to a nice dinner. Firstly, I'd like to start by plugging OpenTable.com, which is quite honestly a beautiful invention. I was able to see a list of all of the NYC area restaurant according to availability. On top of that, It gave me full descriptions, menus and all I'd need to make the right choice. And it paid off.

I went to Klee, a little place on 22nd & 9th Avenue. The ambience was gorgeous and the food decadent. Very intricate dishes with great flavor. The portions were just perfect as well, and right off the bat I recommend the Duck Pate. In case you want to know more about the restaurant, here's what the OpenTable profile writes:

"Chef-owner Daniel Angerer's contemporary Green Market driven cuisine incorporates flavors and ingredients from Europe and America, including Wagyu beef steak frites, Long Island duckling and of course his own version of Wiener schnitzel, among other contemporary takes on Austrian classics. Tasty small bites, first and second courses as well as a selection of daily pastas and specialties will have diners fighting over which day of the week to dine at Klee. Situated on the still civilized 9th Avenue Strip of Chelsea, north of the Meat Packing District. This European American Brasserie is a warm and elegant place to dine. Klee is an excellent choice for pre-theater goers located only a few blocks from the Atlantic, Joyce and Irish Repertory theaters and only blocks from Madison Square Garden and the City's central theater district and is open for lunch, brunch and dinner."

So leaving at that, I'm happy and full. :)

Today's photo was found on a friendly, neighborhood ladder in Chelsea, NYC!

2/14/10 Valentines Day Drained.

Is it me or has Valentines Day generally fallen off of everyone's radar this year? At least from what I've been able to see, I find everyone under enthused or rushing like a crazy person to think of the next best V-Day Idea without any outcome. For me, it's been a chill day, nothing too crazy to vouch for, the way I like it on Valentines Day. Plus, working yesterday and today on my "was supposed to be a long weekend" has left me too drained. Rest!

On a second note, make sure to check out LazMarquez.com for two commissioned Illustrations I completed in honor of Valentines Day for Legos.Tumblr. :)

Today's photo was found in my bathroom in North Bergen, NJ. Yes, you got a peek at my personal, clean time space. ;-)

2/12/10 There's a light in the Distance.

No, I'm not quoting some cheesy 80's power ballad with my Title. I'm just still trying to send out my pseudo positive thoughts from yesterday. I continue to remain frustrated by aspects of my life and it's stagnancy. I truly hope to have a spark, a sort of renaissance in and around me soon. I know I should be grateful for where I'm at in life, and although I am, I still want more. I never want to just settle for what's easy and convenient. I want to grow, be the best I can and evolve continuously.

Oh yea, and it'd be nice to be respected and appreciated every now and then. Ya know, just for the hell of it. That'd be jolly fun, really.

Today's photo was found inside of the subway station on Canal Street in Downtown, NYC. This Fluorescent light was inspiring.

2/11/10 Hopeful. Better Days Ahead.

After two months into this year, I continue to remain hopeful that I will have some sort of evolution across the board. I have dealt with insecurities a plenty. I have dealt with self doubts and feelings of inadequacies. But tonight, I attempt to rid myself of these feelings and send an energy out to the universe that mirrors what I truly wish for myself. Bettering and improvement. Growth. This photo comes from my bedroom, somewhat of a happy accident. The photo in the background from a good friend, a vintage 'Star Trek' photo. 'Star Trek' always encouraged the bettering of the universe and humankind. So it seemed all too appropriate.

Today's photo was found in my apartment in North Bergen, NJ. 'Trek' & Burn on, Shall we?

2/10/09 Stir Crazy w/ This Snow Storm!

Well, to start off with, the snowstorm brought me back to my schooldays many years ago when we had "Snow Days". So I didn't have to go into work and deal with the usual daily schedule and grind I tend to have. It's by no means a bad thing! It was pseudo refreshing when I found out about it. It felt nostalgic and utterly giddy. But then reality kicked in.

I am not the type of person who could sit home and do nothing. I am always striving to do something/anything to make myself feel like i've accomplished some sort of daily evolution. But today? Nope. I've been in my apartment ALL day (aside from the wine run I made earlier to ease the boredom). The day isn't over and I'm going coo-coo for cocoa puffs.

Today's photo was found on a truck outside my apartment as I trekked through the snowstorm. Thank goodness I found this one today, otherwise I may have compromised this mission of mine.

2/9/10 Way too Excited for LOST!

Preparing for the snowstorm here in NYC, I am anxiously awaiting the second episode of the final season of LOST. Hopefully this week's episode will help me figure out what the heck is going on!

Today's photo was found on a truck right outside of my job's building in Midtown, NYC. This truck light is a rockin find.

2/8/10 Dazed & NOT Confused.

It seems that as a creative person, we have times where we are left at a standstill. We wait for things to be perfectly situated and inspired. But I'm feeling a renaissance of sorts. I feel inspired to push my own & other's boundaries to ensure a sense of progression. In a time of doubt, why not make it a point to continue being our best? Let's do it, folks. Mediocrity sucks.

Today's photo was found in Midtown, NYC. This gas panel= Brilliance in an un-noticed sense. :)

2/7/10 Another Year Older!?

Although I tend to take my birthday's with a grain of salt, The day after my birthday It seems to be hitting me. Another year older, another year wiser (I'd hope!). I just wish to continue growing in all respects and truly becoming the person I'm meant to be. Thanks to everyone in my life who's stuck with me and supported all my whacky endeavors. Now, back to my "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Season 6 DVD. :)

Today's photo was found in my bedroom. Very Personal eh? 'Once More with Feeling'.

2/6/10 Why So Serious??

In honor of my birthday festivities, I ask those of you readers to just let go and have a little fun on this fine occasion. Heath Ledger's Joker perfectly encapsulated my sentiments. "Why SO Serious??"

Today's photo was found in a Soho apartment building in Midtown, NYC. Are you having a laugh with this elevator call button?

2/5/10 Wow. Caprica Rocks.

Halfway through the latest episode of the SyFy Series 'Caprica' and am very glad to have a new show to be utterly obsessed with! Wohoo to good storytelling!

Today's photo was found in Soho, NYC. Shocked little Lock.

2/4/2008 Arigato, Mr. Roboto!

It just dawned on me that I've become so reliant on technology that it's a little concerning. On a day to day, I spend nearly 8 hours in front of my work computer. On top of that, I'm constantly checking my e-mail, texting and tweeting. I spend most of my life as a robot. I can't say I entirely hate it, as it entertains me. But I will say I don't want to lose touch with actual human connection and communication. What should I do!?

Today's photo is courtesy of my work building's elevator operator buttons near the front desk. Love how this one looks, so retro-techno!

2/3/10 Bright Eyed & Bushy Tailed!

In a silly, hyper, uppity mood today. And Finding this gem when I was sure i'd never find something to exhibit this mood/feeling just made it all the more amazing!

Today's photo was found on the Elevator Light in my job's building on the East side of Midtown, NYC. Bright eyed.. Ha, Get it?.. Bright.. eyed.. erm..

2/2/10 Zoned Out.. 8-/

For no particular reason whatsoever, factoring in the fact that i've had my coffee today, I am zoning out hardcore. I better wake up in time for LOST's season premiere tonight!

Today's photo was found courtesy of a digital screen animation in Midtown, NYC. Zoned out and no High-Score!

2/1/10 Whistle While I Work...

It's a Monday, and although I should have a case of the "Mondaze", I've found a sufficient amount of new music to keep me feeling pseudo peppy. Among this new playlist is my new favorite song by Snow Patrol featuring Martha Wainwright titled "Set Fire to the Third Bar". Go take a listen now! It rocks my socks. So moody and simple.

Today's photo was found in the elevator of my job's building in Midtown, NYC. This floor button was a fun find.

1/31/10 Spill Happy Birthday!

Last night was the Birthday bash for a great friend of mine, Alexandra Beguez (Check out her wonderful work at bisforbeguez.com). It was a blast to get together with some great friends I hadn't seen in a while at the cool little hotspot in the West Village, Alibi Lounge. The music rocked and Vodka was a plenty. Get a bunch of artists tipsy and dancing = Spillage.

This photo is a little rough, as it was dark and taken with the non-flash iPhone. But this is the result of a happy spill onto Monica's pants. She was excited to find a FACE IT, so I agreed to upload it in honor of her!

Today's photo was found courtesy of Melinda & Monica's keen eye.. At Alibi Lounge in the West Village, NYC. ON HER PANTS!!

1/30/10 Hungry!! Breadfactory Makes Me Less So.

Sorry to everyone who links directly to the blog, But I had to post yesterday's photo directly through the Facebook & Twitter Feeds because Blogger didn't want to work for me on my iPhone in terms of uploading photos. Before Alexandra Beguez's birthday and after a long day of working on some Illustrations, I was famished and starving. So aside from my better judgement, I ate two wonderful slices of pizza. Mmmmm!

Today's image was found at the Bread Factory in Hell's Kitchen, NYC! This is exactly how the plate looked after I finished devouring.

1/29/10 Feeling Accomplished :)

It's the end of a long week, but I feel i've kept true to all of my New Year's Resolutions. I've continued to get my life in shape, organize my presence and have a weekend that will be filled with great friends. Happy Birthday to Alexandra Beguez! Check out her work if you have a chance, it's some fantastic schtuff! bisforbeguez.com

Today's photo was found in Midtown, NYC courtesy of a New York City Fire Hydrant! Jolly aint it?


After a day of feeling blah and also having a rough time finding A photo to fit my mood, Here it goes... It's what I would think is self explanatory.

Todays photo was found in West New York, NJ. Just outside my best friend's apartment.

1/27/10 To iPad or Not To iPad?

This is the question on my mind, as I sit in an office fool of eager folks (myself among them) awaiting every little detail on Apple's latest breakthrough product. I love the damn thing. The videos were enticing, the product design beautiful (albeit a giant iPhone), and the iBook feature is damn amazing.. But for such a hefty price, will I be able to get the mileage and usage out of it that I'd need? The answer seems to lean towards No. I already have an iPhone, iTouch, and MacBook. When will I really use another Apple product that in essence does what I already can do on these other platforms and make the best out of paying ANOTHER monthly fee for Wi-Fi & 3G? I don't know.. But as soon as I'm a billionaire, I will buy everything Apple oriented. And LIKE it!!!

Today's photo was found courtesy of a disarrayed Doggie Dish & Pad set in Midtown, NYC. Aroo?

About The Blog :-)

We use typography & emoticons in our everyday online convos to express how we feel. It's the new way to communicate. But what happens when one graphic designer decides to mix this digital common way with everyday life? This blog, of course. Daily, I will be finding an emoticon in my everyday surroundings that best describes the mood I'm in at the time and share it all with you.

About Laz :-P

Laz began his career as a Graphic Designer, studying at The School of Visual Arts in New York City. At the School of Visual Arts, Laz majored in Graphic Design and Fine Arts. Currently, Laz is a forward thinking art director residing in NYC. Laz has worked in Entertainment Advertising, Multicultural Advertising, Publications and Interactive Design and continues onward.

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